
Ethan Joseph Wagnell was born in San Diego, California, on December 19, 2014 while we were on Home Assignment in the United States. He is extremely hyper, a true "energizer bunny." He loves "school" but loves irritating his siblings more so they cannot get their school done. He is learning not to be a bully and loves cuddling and giving bear hugs. He enjoys being outside with friends all day if possible but is perfectly happy being a "bump on a log" inside as well.

Facts - Interesting or Not

  • There are many men named Ethan in the Bible, most notably musicians (I Chronicles 15:19 and Psalm 89 title) and a very wise man second only to King Solomon (I Kings 4:31).
  • Initially, we could not agree on a middle name, finally agreeing upon Joseph several hours after his birth
  • Both of Joe's Grandfathers and one great Grandfather were named Joseph
  • Loves Thomas the Tank Engine trains and anything with wheels
  • Thinks he is the "Boss Baby" of the family